Home Nicholas Charles Statman #NickStatman-Four Ways To Keep Everything Organized: Property Investor Edition

#NickStatman-Four Ways To Keep Everything Organized: Property Investor Edition




A property investor must wear many different hats. Their job requires them to be focused and detail-oriented, and stay on top of a variety of issues and responsibilities all at the same time. They have phone calls to make, meetings to attend, and emails to send. They work in an industry where critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication are vital to their success, and they are expected to shift their plans and make quick decisions at a moment’s notice. 

For many investors, these are all reasons why they love the industry. But managing the chaos and focusing on productivity and efficiency starts with being organised. Here are four ways top-performing investors stay focused and organised:

Maximize the mornings

It’s no secret that millionaires, business owners, top athletes, and successful people everywhere take their morning routines very seriously. It is very rare to find an industry leader that sleeps in and rolls out of bed without a plan. Leaders across all industries harness the power of the mornings by setting an alarm and using the time before they have to be at work to get organised. 

They use the time when others are sleeping to read, respond to emails, journal, workout, focus on gratitude, or set their schedule up for the day. This way, they get a few hours of productivity at the start of the day which sets them up for success. By the time the rest of the world wakes up, they are already full steam ahead on their list of ‘To-Dos’ and focused on their priorities. Maximizing your morning time is crucial in getting organised. 

Utilise software and technology

There are so many apps and programs designed to help entrepreneurs, small business owners, and investors stay organised, from virtual calendars and reminder systems to innovative communication platforms and data collection programs. We are all walking around with supercomputers in our pockets, giving us apps and software that help keep all of our information organised. 

If you’re managing a team, you need software that makes it easy to stay connected, share information, and collaborate in real-time. As an investor in 2020, you have unlimited access to apps that can reduce risk and optimise your returns. Use them. 

Use a planner

Some people find satisfaction in writing down their goals and ‘To-Dos’ on paper and crossing them off as they are complete. Others prefer to use calendars and planners on their phones or smart devices. Find a system that works for you and stick with it. Writing things down helps you prioritise your day and reduces the chances you’ll forget an important date or obligation. 

Create an organised workspace

It is amazing how much more productive and focused you can be when you create an organised workspace. Whether you go into an office or work from home, your space must be optimised for productivity. This means getting rid of clutter, removing distractions, and putting systems in place to keep paperwork organised. The more organised your workspace is, the less time you spend sorting through piles looking for things. 

The Takeaway

Property investing is detail-oriented and fast-moving, a combination that makes organisation key. As a property investor, being intentional about organisation will make you a better agent, a better communicator, a better negotiator, and an all-around better (and more successful) investor. 

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Nick Statman

Nicholas Statman has been buying, selling and developing property since 2001, Nicholas 'Nick' Statman entered the property industry in 2001 and set up a property buying company that quickly established itself as one of the biggest in the sector. During this time the Company successfully transacted on thousands of residential properties across the UK. Nicholas Statman was an early pioneer of the 'quick sale' niche market which has since grown considerably with a multitude of companies now operating in the sector. Nicholas Statman has strategically built a sizeable residential and commercial property portfolio with a view to holding for optimum capital growth and a long term passive income. Nicholas Statman has been involved in almost every aspect of the property sector over a 20 year period - this includes buying and selling, development, letting and management and is now involved in the fast growing online/ hybrid Estate Agent industry.

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